Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist
Over 30 years experience Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Pre online session check list
Please review our checklist below before our first session.
During your online session
Depending on what you are consulting me for, we may spend all of the time in normal conversation such as the Mind Training programme or counselling. If I am incorporating hypnotherapy into our session, you may be sitting/lying in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, and in what might, at times, feel like a lethargic and dream like state. Whilst in this state just relax and I will be your guide.
In any event, the session will end in conversation mode where you will have your eyes open and be wide awake and alert and looking at the camera on your device. This will be the time where we will talk briefly about your progress during your consultation, and when we can book a further appointment.
Online Session Payment
Payment will need to be made prior to your session with me by BACS, or I will send you a payment link to Sumup so that you can submit card details should you prefer. Click here to view our fees.