Unsolicited comments from clients in Jersey how Philip has helped with things like fears, phobias, motivation, relationship problems, sexual problems stopping smoking, weight loss.

All testimonials below and on this web site have all been checked and verified by my Professional Association as 100% genuine and the content of each testimonial is applicable to the subject matter.


Claire discusses overcoming her anxiety using my Mind Training program.

Quit Smoking

Mary who consulted to stop smoking

I just wanted to send you a quick e-mail as I celebrate four weeks of no cigarettes today.  It truly has been a surprisingly easy habit to break.  This time there has been a lot less stress than on previous attempts made, as you say, it has been effortless and calm.  I am very grateful to you for your help.  My stopping smoking was a necessity, due to a back operation I need, for which smoking will not fuse the bones.  Your help truly has made a big difference to me and I feel good.  I had bronchitis prior to seeing you and my breathing is so much better, I can sleep without wheezing

Fear of Driving

Cathy, came to see me with a fear of driving, after four sessions of Mind Training she said:

The good news is, I’ve been out in my car for a drive, and I enjoyed it :)

Weight Loss

Holly’s testimonial about losing weight with the Mind Training Programme


Margaret is retired and consulted for help to stop smoking. (Age is no barrier to stopping smoking!)

Four weeks today, so far so good. Thank you for having helped me to change my life. Fingers crossed I can keep it up. My daughter is over the moon.


Fran came to see me with a fear of public speaking and general low confidence.

Wow what a difference I really did feel more confident than I have ever felt before. I have also noticed a difference in day to day situations. I seem to be able to talk to anyone anywhere which is fantastic for me (probably not for them!) I am still listening to the CD every day which is really helping too. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. I’m so relaxed and confident about myself. A feeling that didn’t used to come easily.


Helen discusses overcoming her fear of flying using the Mind Training Programme

Exam Stress

Melody. Consulted for help to reduce exam nerves.

I listened to the CD that Philip recorded for me every day and it really helped me to stay in control of my exam nerves and deal better with the actual exam itself on the day. I felt alot more prepared than I had before, and studying wasn’t such a chore. I passed my final accountancy exams and am really grateful for the help that got me through them.

Anxiety and Depression

Emma talking about how she overcame anxiety and depression using the Mind Training Programme

Self Esteem

Hannah. Consulted for low confidence & low self esteem.

I think what you do is amazing, my life is so different since I finished therapy.

Relationship problems

Sam. Consulted with relationship and sexual difficulties.

I can’t express how thankful I am for your help. I never got the chance the last day I left, so I would like to thank you now. Thank you sooo much for your help and guidance, I feel reborn.

Exam Stress

Matthew. Consulted for help with studying and exam nerves.

I have just received the results for the accountancy exam I just did, I’m over the moon. Against all the expectations of my tutors, I did actually pass. Thank you

Weight Issues

Sue. Consulted with weight issues after stopping smoking on her own, bulimia and relationship difficulties.

I have been feeling so much better and have still not been sick and most importantly haven’t started smoking again. I am continuing to lose weight and generally feel so much better. My husband and I are definitely getting on better too!


Karen. Consulted for help with binge drinking.

Thank you for your help with my binge drinking. I went for lunch with my friends last bank holiday, I didn’t have any problems.


Christine. Consulted with a fear of snakes and a weight problem.

I still can’t quite believe my snake phobia has sort of dissolved. I’ve been many times into reptile house at the zoo. I’ve attended the ‘snakes alive’ time at the zoo with a python around a woman’s neck. It’s fantastic and I can’t thank you enough. I’ve lost a stone in the bargain too.

If you have any questions about how I can help you overcome the issues that are affecting your life, please get in touch.

All testimonials below and on this web site have all been checked and verified by my Professional Association as 100% genuine and the content of each testimonial is applicable to the subject matter.